Video Guides

Here you will be able to find some short video tutorials on a range of subjects including how to set up a blog, how to use Tweetdeck, and how to upload media to blogs and social network sites.


Getting Started With Blogs Part 1

Here is a quick tutorial video on how to get your first blog up and running on the University blogs network.


Getting Started With Blogs Part 2

Here is a quick tutorial video on how to use some of the more advanced features on the University blogs network.


Getting Started With Tweetdeck

Here is a quick tutorial video on how to get started using Tweetdeck to manage your Twitter account.


Getting Started With If This Then That (IFTTT)

Here is a quick tutorial video on how to get started using IFTTT to link your apps and social media accounts.


Getting Started With Adobe Spark Post

Here is a quick tutorial video on how to get started using Adobe Spark Post to create graphics to use on social media, flyers and posters.


Getting Started With Adobe Spark Page

Here is a quick tutorial video on how to get started using Adobe Spark Page to share photo journals, portfolios and web stories.


Getting Started With Adobe Spark Video

Here is a quick tutorial video on how to get started using Adobe Spark Video to create visual stories to use in presentations, in lectures, and on social media.


Getting Started With PowToon

Here is a quick tutorial video on how to get started using PowToon to create lively and interesting presentations and lecture aids.


Getting Started With Sway

Here is a quick tutorial video on how to get started using Sway to create engaging and interactive presentations.


Getting Started With Jing

Here is a quick tutorial video on how to get started using Jing for screen shots and video capture.


Getting Started With QuickTime Player

Here is a quick tutorial video on how to get started using QuickTime for video, screen recording and audio capture.


An Introduction to Panopto

Here is a quick introduction video on how to use Panopto as an academic.



Tour of the Adobe Education Exchange


Digital Education Playlists From LALT

Blackboard Playlist

Blackboard For Students Playlist

Panopto Playlist

Collaborate Ultra Playlist