The Online Content Strategy

College Digital Content Strategy Cover

Back in September at the College Open Day I introduced the College’s Online Media Strategy; a document that set’s out our vision for external facing media over the next few years which will include all websites and blogs, social media, video, photography, digital signage, and speculative areas such as augmented/virtual reality.

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Academic Blogging Part 5: Useful resources for bloggers

Startup Stock Photos

Now you have your posts ready to go, you have ideas for more, and you know when you’ll be posting and where you’ll be sharing them to in order to make sure they get as much reach as possible. The next and final thing to talk about are the resources you can use.

One of the biggest pitfalls bloggers face is accidentally infringing copyright, such as using images from a google search without checking whether they are copyrighted or not, or forgetting to credit authors. There are ways around this though.

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Academic Blogging Part 4: Turning your journal articles / lecture notes into blog posts

You may spend a lot of time and effort writing a research article for a journal. So much so that once it has been accepted and published you’ll not want to think about it again. But why not change the end of your workflow slightly to include a couple of hours distilling that paper into an accessible and short-form version?

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