Following the success of the LALT Showcase: Education in a Digital Age event, the Digital Education team are starting a new series of short themed events called ‘#DigiEd’. The events are aimed at academics who want to enhance their learning and teaching strategies and elements of technology that are used to support: collaboration, inquiry etc.

Next Event – Presentation and Demonstration
Wednesday 24th Jan – 12:15 – 13:00 – DCB1111 – Flipped Learning
Academic: Jasper Shotts
Title: Developing collaborative partnerships for flipped learning
Abstract: This session will look at a variety of different methods for creating collaboration between students and staff. It will also focus on using flipped learning to help and support students via collaborative work.
Visit: to book a place on the course.
Future events
We are currently looking for academics, with interesting uses of technology, to be involved in these events. If you know someone who would like to be involved then please contact
Below we have a list of the themes for both the future presentations and marker space events.
21st Mar 12:00 – 13:00 SSB0102 Assessment and Feedback
23rd May 12:00 – 13:00 DCB1111 Discussion
21st Feb 12:00 – 13:00 SSB0102 Interactivity in the classroom
18th Apr 2:00 – 13:00 DCB2111 Students as producers (creation)
20th Jun 12:00 – 13:00 MB1020 Video – based learning
Benefits to staff
• Short sessions
• Innovative new uses of technology to enhance pedagogy
• Solve pedagogical problems
• Sharing of information between colleagues
• Led by academics for academics
Below is some information about each type of activity that will take place inside the #DigiEd series.
Demonstration and presentations
The purpose of this event is to share current examples of good practice with other members of staff. It will be a chance to share different experiences with digital technology and how it is used by different academics to deliver a pedagogical outcome or solve a teaching challenge.
The purpose of these events is to support colleagues in creating a resource/or to gain new skills to create resources for their learning and teaching. These are ‘hands-on’ sessions and designed to be very practical and enabling.
Video Case Studies
A series of video case studies that are designed to promote elements of good practice across the university.